Strong Gyms is a ministry uniquely designed to strengthen you (the gym owner) in every area of life. We know you are not just leading a small business but also leading a community, your family, and ultimately leading yourself. A Strong Gym Group is a community of like-minded gym owners partnering to strengthen each other in critical areas. We believe that success starts from the inside out, and we want to help you Get Strong and Stay Strong in the following areas:

  • Get Strong Spiritually
  • Get Strong Personally
  • Get Strong Relationally
  • Get Strong Leadership

Strong Gyms is a one-of-a-kind Mastermind program. Each week 10-12 gym owners join a video conference where they come to motivate, encourage, and support one another. We meet people where they are, and we help them achieve their goals as a group.

Our Commitment

We are committed to helping you Get Strong and Stay Strong in the following areas:
  • Get Strong Spiritually - We are, first and foremost, a ministry focused on making disciples. We want you to succeed in every area of your life, but most importantly, we want you to be spiritually strong. These groups will help you become the man or woman that God has created you to be. We want you to be spiritually strong, so you can use that strength to help others.
  • Get Strong Personally / Relationally - You will be exposed to relationships encouraging you to grow and share in discussions, book readings, and Get Strong community activities. We will hold each other accountable to achieve our personal goals and strengthen vital relationships.
  • Get Strong Leadership - You will be exposed to and learn from other leaders across the county. We will discuss best practices, read books, process new ideas, overcome challenges, and support each other. This community will become a valuable source of information and encouragement as you lead your gym.


Forge an empowering community of like-minded gym owners, a priceless network that fuels your growth and success.
Unleash the force of your influence in the local community, transforming lives far and wide with an enduring impact.

Weekly Group Calls

Strong Owners are small dedicated groups that meet weekly to motivate, encourage, and support one another.

Online Community

Opportunity to connect with other members through our exclusive online community, where we share resources, create new connections, and foster deeper relationships.

Annual Live Event

Once a year, Get Strong will host a live event where our Strong Owners' Community can gather for connection, premier training, guest speakers and facilitators, and team building.

Expert Interviews

Our Strong Owners team will occasionally host a live session and Q&A with expert leaders in essential areas like gym ownership, fitness, and personal and spiritual growth.


Apply Today.

Minimum 6 months commitment. Spots are limited.

Get Started:

Complete the form linked below to get started.